Exquisite Carving In Ruins Male Legs Beng Mealea
Laying on the ground just beside the Southwest tower are these incredibly well carved male legs.
Main Archway Beng Mealea In Ruins
They main archway at the East entrance to Beng Mealea is in Ruins but you can see it was quite special.
Long Dark Hidden Tunnel Through Beng Mealea
Beng Mealea is like a maze because of the ruins. Here is a long dark tunnel that runs the length of the inner most tower.
First Outer Wall Beng Mealea Intricate Carvings
The first outer wall at Beng Mealea is intricately carved top to bottom.
First Inner Ring Wall With Walkway Beng Mealea
Beng Mealea is built on tiers similar to Angkor Wat. This shows the first inner wall and the walkway around it.

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